Krippner Consulting
Krippner Consulting

  • Sample Projects

    Kaufman Properties Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)

     Krippner Consulting, LLC worked extensively with the Kaufman project team and USFWS to negotiate the terms of, and to prepare the Kaufman Properties HCP. The HCP covers impacts to three federally listed species, Mazama pocket gopher, streaked horned lark, and Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly at thirteen project development sites comprising approximately 204 acres in Tumwater, Tenino, and unincorporated Thurston County. Two conservation sites, 87.5 acres total in size, were purchased to mitigate for project impacts. The Federal Incidental Take permit for this HCP was issued in March 2016. We now conduct annual HCP compliance monitoring at the two conservation sites and project development sites. The Year 1 monitoring report has been prepared, and Year 2 monitoring is occurring this year. 

    Biological Assessment (BA) for Tumwater Boulevard / I-5: Southbound Ramp Interim Improvements

     Krippner Consulting, LLC prepared a Biological Assessment (BA) report for Section 7 consultation with USFWS for project impacts that may affect federally threatened species, including the Mazama pocket gopher. The impact analysis for this report was conducted using engineering drawings, species information, field study results, and existing GIS database information. This work was conducted in 2015 in close coordination with the SCJ Alliance project engineer and WSDOT project manager. Project impacts were minimized to the extent possible. The summary findings of this BA, including no likely impacts to gophers or suitable habitat areas, were confirmed by USFWS during the summer field season of 2015. No additional mitigation was required, besides the minimization measures described in the BA. 

    Best Available Science Review of Mazama Pocket Gopher subspecies in Thurston County

     Krippner Consulting conducted an independent, scientific review of the 2011 Federal Status Review on Mazama pocket gophers and the 2012 Federal Register proposed rule for subspecies located in Thurston County. The latest information about Mazama pocket gopher life history and distribution was gathered from peer-reviewed publications, state and local agencies and private consultants. Some important data gaps were identified during these reviews, and additional data was collected from private consultants that was added to the state database and shared with USFWS. More survey data collection was recommended, not based solely on past distribution and current habitat assumptions, before making final conclusions on the federal status of this species. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) agreed with this recommendation and conducted a more comprehensive and randomized survey of five counties in Washington State for the presence of Mazama pocket gophers with the support of USFWS in 2012. Comment letters based on best available science, including the 2012 WDFW field studies and a Draft species recovery plan published early in 2013, were prepared in 2013 to provide scientific feedback on the assumptions used and conclusions made in the proposed listing rule.